Billy's Birthday

Billy Standish had four neighborhood boys over to his 37th birthday party. They ate cake and ice cream and they even had a clown. The thing is, none of the other boys liked Billy. None of them had invited him to their own parties. Little Joey Valdez had just turned 50 last week and it hadn't even occured to him to invite Billy. You see, Billy was one of those kids who would make his mom call the other kids' moms to invite the other kids. Of course all of the boys protested to their mothers but were quickly scolded for being rude. So the other boys sat around dreaming of the cartoons they were missing. Thinking about how they would rather be doing just about anything else. Little Frankie Miles even thought he'd rather be doing chores!

Now, while all this was going on, Billy, sensing the resentment, began drinking Kool-Aid. Just one glass at first. He finished pretty quick and felt awkward being the only one not drinking Grape flavor. He figured he'd best have a cup of Grape. When he finished the grape he noticed that Joey had actually been drinking lime...

Anyway, one thing led to another and soon Billy had had 8 cups of Kool-Aid. He barfed everywhere and was sent to bed. The other boys went straight home.

Moral: Kool-Aid is evil.