Round Table Poetry Jam

Poems passed to a different person after each line.
Okay, sit back, I'm sorry, nothing to be done, I really wish it could be another way, but this is all I'm left with, all I have, smoke, or take a nap or something, listen to someone else: I'm gonna talk about my ex.
X is next to Y and that's how it is for me, too.
XX chromosomes can at least play patty-cake.
X is for extra and that's what I was
Longer than a salad bar and emptier than a woman at a salad bar
Salad days there were but the dressing soaked through the paper plate, which collapsed and I could not find another.
The meat of the matter is I couldn't get at her
My dessert a desert of the soul
The sound of a single chair squeaking closer to the table
The absence of a peculiar smell I had come to know
The overbearing presence of my own morose musk
The overbearing presence of my own morose mask

Savage Vegas
You rotten frog on floating log by bloated belly mutton
You sit there at the bar and drink and eat, you glutton
Your ambience is slight and ponce-y
Your audience just light
Your gardener's real name is Chauncey
He's digging there at night
When will your bloated blemish burn
And drop its ashes on the lawn
Take from the board a puny pawn
Don't move it til your turn
My place could use a fern
I'll get it when you're gone

In January, the robot was born.
From human womb it came-- fully mechanical!
It's first words were ten thousand, three hundred and sixty-two pages in length and totally unintelligible.
My first word was "cookie".
The robot breakfasted on electrons and information
Breathed exhaust, drank condensation.
I'm jealous of the tube-fed automation!
Mom always liked it best.
When I tilt it sideways it squeals and a red light goes on and I laugh-- ha! ha!
When someone tilts me sideways I squeal and a red light goes on and I laugh-- ha! ha!
It gets fed circuitry and I get fed boils.
Ask not for whom the bell toils,
It toils for thee, much like me.

Three Little Pigs
My brother always called me "Winky"
I shivered and retorted, "Stinky!"
He stole and later bent my Slinky
My silver heel crushed his pinky
Sometimes, though we would fight like dogs
Fresh blood among the morning dew
We'd fight for balance on floating logs
And make train sounds, "choo-choo!"
Still we loved each other, we
Did not acknowledge enmity
The things we hid for all to see
They all saw two but we felt three
My brother, me, and, naturally...

Interstellar Cosmic Droppings
I can't live misgive without nice mice rice
Head head hair hair lice lice lice
Ouch that hurts as they bites bite mites
Mighty! Flighty! Tighty whitey!
Spitefully they said "that's trite!"
Die you ruefull rapscallions
I said with inflamed passion
Must get West just then I burped, usurped
And failed to rhyme a line

It was Christmas Night
And I had no presents
I was gaining weight
And my shoes had holes
I truly was the loser everyone said I was
Even though on the inside I felt like... well, a loser
I went down the chimney like I always do
And twisted my ankle
Got spanked by the fire poker
The fire burned hot and the cookies were gone
But the liquor cabinet was full and I was thirsty
I needed blood!
The children! The children!
I don't think I should be saying this