The POTW: Verse Til It Hurts


POTW #769
(Week of 3 July, 2011)

Everything is better when you augment it with social media! Isn't it?

Plate Plus

I got this fancy new Plate-Plus
It's part of the social media fuss
Now the food of me is the food of us
With the Plate we can share and compare and discuss
And all of our various friends-of-friends
Contribute their unhygienic trends
Sticking opinions and fingers in
I know too well where those have been
Efficiently contagion spreads
From mouth to web-connected head
The feisty fights in comment threads
As someone votes my dinner to shreds
A dining hall with infinite seating
Where everyone knows what everyone's eating
Copy-and-tasting and repeating
Glasses clinking, voices bleating
But everything's better when social-enabled
Television, wardrobe, table
Jostling spots on an infinite playbill
Endlessly sampled and rated and labeled
So we can return to that high school thing
Where popularity is king
Adopt the trendiest attitude
And be sure to eat the majority food

Copyright © 2011 by Dave Grossman

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Buy This Book:

Interested in more? Check out "Ode to the Stuff in the Sink," Dave's illustrated book of "guy" verse (concerning the deeper philosophies of things like not doing the laundry, putting your feet on the furniture, and of course beer) at the Maximegalomporium (our store). And did I mention it was illustrated? Pictures!

Where Do You Get Your Ideas?:

Like any self-respecting citizen of the modern age, I use machinery.

Other Frequently Asked Questions:

Consult the POTW FAQ.